Beyond a credit rating
The Shrimpl Resiliency Score, or SRS, is a shrimp producer’s pathway to success, regardless of where they are in their journey.
It serves as a starting point to benchmark risk, business performance and set goals for improvement. It’s also a meaningful tool that can be used to articulate a business’ merit to investors and other stakeholders.
Make critical decisions with confidence
We analyse over 400 data points to evaluate and categorise risk, measuring the likelihood and financial impact of incidents.
Evaluate risks from seeding to harvest
The SRS dynamically adjusts throughout the production cycle to identify significant sources of risk. This includes the possibility of disease, extreme weather, poor management, and market volatility, among others.
(High mortality)
(Low growth & mortality)
(Low growth)
(Mortality & quality)
How the SRS works

What is considered
Factors such as disease, management practices, water quality, weather conditions, regulatory compliance, infrastructure, market trends, logistics, and genetics.

How it’s calculated
The SRS quantifies risk factors using a numerical scale from 0 to 1, weighing different risks against its financial impact. The higher the score, the higher the risk.

How it is incorporated
Request for automated reports, use the SRS as a framework to assess strengths and weaknesses, or create profitability forecasts based on economic outlook. It’s up to you.